Ari ni entry pasal award je la eh..
Tgk2 dpt award dari Ayu..Thanks ye Ayu...Friendship forever ya!
Here are the rules to accept the award :
Tgk2 dpt award dari Ayu..Thanks ye Ayu...Friendship forever ya!
Here are the rules to accept the award :
1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award - dah buat dah..
2. Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic
1. Ieda Al Habsyi
2. Along - iManzraf
3. Eiba - Eiba lives
4. Kak Ina @ Dr.Inahar - Inahar Cooking time
5. Sherry - wonderfull life
6. Ella Sham
7. Naurah Makwa
8. Mar - Lady D
9. Ilya - ailyiylia
10. Idzuha - LadybirdinLove
11. Kak Intan - Jari Intanku
12. MummySeri
13. Mamazana -All my loves
14. Farah Adura
15. Sara - the story of those tiny cute steps
3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won the award..
4. State 7 things about yourself.
1. Suka karaoke!!
2. Fulltime housewife
3. Sgt2 suka shopping
4. Suka masak klu ade org yg tukang mkn...
5. I have 2 kids..1 girl n 1 boy
6. malas drive klu ade org yg blh drive
7. I love LV!!
1. Ieda Al Habsyi
2. Along - iManzraf
3. Eiba - Eiba lives
4. Kak Ina @ Dr.Inahar - Inahar Cooking time
5. Sherry - wonderfull life
6. Ella Sham
7. Naurah Makwa
8. Mar - Lady D
9. Ilya - ailyiylia
10. Idzuha - LadybirdinLove
11. Kak Intan - Jari Intanku
12. MummySeri
13. Mamazana -All my loves
14. Farah Adura
15. Sara - the story of those tiny cute steps
3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won the award..
4. State 7 things about yourself.
1. Suka karaoke!!
2. Fulltime housewife
3. Sgt2 suka shopping
4. Suka masak klu ade org yg tukang mkn...
5. I have 2 kids..1 girl n 1 boy
6. malas drive klu ade org yg blh drive
7. I love LV!!